Your argument would seem to recommend a hands-off policy to moderation—in fact this is very the basis on which websites with full-time legal staff recommend such policies.
If you censor (i.e. “exercise editorial control over”) posts which you disapprove of, the inescapable implication is that you DO approve of all OTHER posts. Whereas if you instead institute a policy of not exercising editorial control of your comments (except as mandated by law), then you escape that implication, by saying “we don’t exercise editorial control over our comments, therefore lack of censorship cannot logically be read to imply endorsement”.
Your argument would seem to recommend a hands-off policy to moderation—in fact this is very the basis on which websites with full-time legal staff recommend such policies.
If you censor (i.e. “exercise editorial control over”) posts which you disapprove of, the inescapable implication is that you DO approve of all OTHER posts. Whereas if you instead institute a policy of not exercising editorial control of your comments (except as mandated by law), then you escape that implication, by saying “we don’t exercise editorial control over our comments, therefore lack of censorship cannot logically be read to imply endorsement”.